4 Hiring Trends to Leverage for Job Hunting in 2024

Out with the old, in with the new. 2023 might be in the past, but the events that shaped it are sure to influence the upcoming year. In 2023, we saw the job market change in multiple ways. Job seekers and employers alike have had to navigate everything from unstable economies and military conflicts to massive layoffs and the introduction of AI tools in the workplace

Trends do indeed come and go, and it’s impossible to predict the future. However, with how fast the job market went through changes last year, it’s a good idea to look for emerging patterns and look for ways to capitalize on those trends. Here are four hiring trends to look out for that will be relevant for your job hunt in 2024. 

AI In Recruitment

Artificial intelligence is all the rage right now, and it’s being incorporated into almost every tool. Applicant tracking software (ATS), one of the most important tools in a recruiter’s arsenal, is no exception. AI-powered tools can help recruiters in sourcing and screening candidates, analyzing resumes and job applications, conducting pre-employment assessments, and even predicting candidate success and cultural fit.

But while AI-powered tools have become quite powerful, they’re still machines that are limited by their programming. Sure, they improve with time but you don’t want to take any chances here. If your resume doesn’t pass the AI’s criteria, it won’t get a second chance. For this reason, it’s a good idea to design your resume in ways that won’t confuse the ATS. This means getting rid of confusing design choices such as graphics, columns, or any other fancy visuals. I cover this and other resume mistakes that you should avoid in this article.

Flexible Working Arrangements 

One positive that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic was that it made flexible working arrangements a mainstream option. What was once a niche arrangement has become a priority for workers who want to spend more time with their loved ones, instead of spending it on grueling commutes.

Not all industries are compatible with fully remote or hybrid models. This is especially true for the hospitality and service sectors, where face-to-face interactions and on-site presence are integral to the nature of the work. 

However, remote and hybrid work has been shown to work practically everywhere else, particularly in fields such as IT, customer support, or online education. If you work in any of those fields, then it’s a good idea to prioritize a company that offers some degree of flexibility in working arrangements. This way, you can achieve a better work-life balance while still earning great income. 

Emphasis On Diversity & Inclusion

We saw a big shift in “woke culture” in 2023. We saw this both on social media and on the streets, with hundreds of people marching (and tweeting) in the name of reproductive rights, climate justice, equal pay for equal work, and more. 

Given this backdrop, it’s reasonable to expect that in 2024, companies will keep focusing on making their hiring processes more diverse, fair, and inclusive. They realize that having people with different backgrounds and perspectives is crucial for coming up with new ideas and being creative.

This can mean working on getting rid of biases in job descriptions and reaching out to groups of people who are often not well-represented. This bodes well for applicants, as they can expect to be evaluated based on their merit, rather than being hindered by biases or stereotypes. Lean into the things that make you, you!

Shift From Candidate-Driven To Employer-Driven Market

The employer-driven market refers to a job market where the conditions favor the businesses. This is as opposed to a candidate-driven market, where the job market conditions lean in favor of job seekers.

2023 was the year we saw the job market tip in favor of the employers. Unstable economies resulted in massive layoffs, which meant more people were vying for limited roles. In this condition, companies are focusing on high-priority roles and are often more selective when hiring. 

And while that may not be what you want to hear if you are a job seeker, just know that these peaks and valleys in recruitment cycles are 100% normal. It won’t stay this way forever so what you want to do is stay prepared with your job search toolkit ready to go. Rooting for you!

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