3 Reasons Your Online Portfolio Can Be The X-Factor In Your Job Search

The job search process is more competitive than it’s ever been and it’s the little things that you do that can make or break your chances of getting an interview. Especially for roles in the creative and tech sectors, showing off your past work and projects in a personal website or portfolio can have real value in helping you land the job. Let me tell you why.

Your resume can list down your past titles, what you did, and the different companies you’ve worked at, but sometimes, it doesn’t paint the full picture. Having a portfolio to back it up adds color to your experiences and lets recruiters have a better understanding of who you are, what you specialize in, and the value you bring to the table.

Whether you’re a product manager, graphic designer, UI/UX architect, or copywriter, putting effort into building your online portfolio can benefit you in many more ways than one. Here are 3 main reasons why you should consider creating one.

You Can Highlight Your Best Work

Resumes can only do so much to show off your best stuff. That’s where portfolios can be the difference maker. Think of your portfolio as having your own personal “greatest hits” album on display all the time. Your goal here should be to give the hiring team a glimpse of what working with you would be like.

Different people will have different tastes, so showcase the diverse types of work you’re capable of. This can mean different formats of writing, different styles in design, or even the different products you’ve helped build.

With that said, it’s important that you pick the very best milestones and tell the stories that truly matter. After all, recruiters will be checking out your portfolios with their already limited time. So seize this opportunity and make a lasting impression.

You Can Build Your Own Brand

Your personal portfolio can be more than just a showcase of your work. It can also be an opportunity to build your very own brand! The best part about having your own brand is that instead of you finding open roles on job boards, new opportunities may just happen to come to you.

Building your portfolio will also help your SEO when recruiters search up your name on Google. I suggest using your name as your website URL so that it’s one of the top links in the Google results. You may be surprised to learn but many recruiters will do a simple search of you before or after inviting you to interviews. Having a personal website showcasing your best work is one way to be ready for that and stand out from the rest!

You Can Get Freelance Gigs

Another great benefit of your portfolio is the opportunity to attract freelance gigs and work for yourself. While the job search can take some time, this may be a good opportunity for you to dabble in different side hustles. And having a portfolio of your work is one of the best ways to show you can help other companies!

To get started, I would recommend you to highlight other companies and brands you have helped and collaborated with. Go into more details about the type of work you helped them accomplish and the end results. Companies love to work with talent who have worked with similar types of companies so keep that in mind when forming your list.

Another great way to add credibility is to add testimonials from your previous work. These words of kudos can come from your previous managers, colleagues, past clients, teachers, and anyone else you’ve worked with. This will give those interested in working with you some assurance that your work is the real deal.

Work On Your Portfolio Today

If you’re new to this and wondering how to get started, here are a couple of websites I recommend to host your online portfolio:

  • Wix (free plan available, drag and drop functionality, good for beginners)
  • WordPress (great for SEO, requires some basic coding, best for writers)
  • CarbonMade (sleek and cool, best for graphic and UI/UX designers)

While having a personal portfolio is not a requirement for most roles, it can only help you in your job search. It will require more work, but nothing worth having in life comes easy. Rooting for you as you build your portfolio and land that amazing opportunity!

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